Tom Johnson
encre sur papier, 29,7 x 42 cm
de gauche à droite, de haut en bas:
- Perfect juggles with 3 balls in a cycle of 7 beats
- Braiding patterns to juggle
- Two jugglers, five balls, 20-beat cycles
- Juggling three balls with patterns 441
encre sur papier, 29,7 x 42 cm
de gauche à droite, de haut en bas:
- Kientzy loops
- Tilework for bass
- 6 note rhythm in 4 voices
- Rationnal melody number 15
- Loops for orchestra
- Tile works for bass
- Rhythm 10011001 in six voices
- Rhythmic canons in 5 voices
- More canons
- More canons
- Tilework for bass
SUBSETS serie, 2012
encre sur papier, 29,7 x 42 cm
de gauche à droite, de haut en bas:
- Sums of 3 to 17
- Six-choose-three subsets and five-choose-three subsets
- Triplets with sums of 22, connected by minimal differences
- Sum of 17 and 18
- 10 triplets 0 to 4 connected by minimal differences on the loop / 20 triplets 0 to 5, connected by minimal differences on the loop
- Single numbers contained in pairs of numbers