Centre d’art contemporain
9, av. de Montchoisi
(accès quai Jurigoz)
case postale 303
CH – 1001 Lausanne
Tel Fax +41 21 601 41 70
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Hors les murs
Tom Johnson

BLOCK DESIGNS serie, 2012
encre sur papier, 50 x 70 cm

de gauche à droite:
- (11,4,6) The 55 blocks connected when 3 elements are common, the white triangles contain six elements and the gray triangles contain five
- (12,3,2) The 44 blocks connected when they have no common elements, forming groups of 4 blocks with 12 elements
- The 55 blocks of (11,4,6) connected when they have no common elements
- (13,5,5)
- (12,4,3) The 66 pairs connected when they form one of the 33 blocks. Each block shown 3 times
- (10,4,2) showing all three occurrences of 6 of the 15 blocks and the surrounding formations by connection of pairs
- (13,5,5) The 39 blocks in a special formation
- (12,3,2) The 44 blocks connected when they have 2 common elements
- (11,5,6) 99 blocks connected when they have no elements in common

PERMUTATIONS of 1,2,3,4 serie, 2012
encre sur papier, 29,7 x 42 cm

de gauche à droite, de haut en bas:
- 24 permutations of (1,2,3,4) connected by transpositions (12), (13), (14)
- 24 permutations connected by transpositions (12), (13), and (14)
- 24 permutations of (1,2,3,4) transformed by 2 (431) and 3 (421)
- 24 permutations of (1,2,3,4) connected by permutations (123) and (234)
- 24 permutations of (1,2,3,4) transformed by (1234) in solid lines and (1342) in dotted lines
- 24 permutations of (1234) connected horizontally by (12) transpositions, vertically by (34) and diagonaly by (23)
- The 24 permutations of 1,2,3,4
- The 24 permutations of 1,2,3,4
- The 24 permutations of 1,2,3,4